Volume 19, Issue 73 (6-2020)                   QJCR 2020, 19(73): 4-28 | Back to browse issues page

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Abooei A, Afshani S, Fallah M, Ruhani A. Inability to Give Birth or Giving Birth to Inability: A Qualitative Research about Psychological Consequences of infertility. QJCR 2020; 19 (73) :4-28
URL: http://irancounseling.ir/journal/article-1-929-en.html
Yazd University
Abstract:   (6920 Views)

Aim: This research has studied psychological dynamics of infertility on referred women. Mehtods: In this research, the sample of 21 infertile women to be studies were selected through purposeful sampling. Theoretical sampling process continued until data saturation. The information was gathered and data analysis was carried out by open and axial coding. Findings: The research findings showed psychological consequences of infertility to be, in order: 1. Therapeutic helplessness, 2. Meaninglessness, 3. Self-criticism, 4. Expression of strong negative emotion, 5. Psychological disorders, 6. Use of psychological medications, 7. Suicidal ideation, 8. Isolationism, 9. Marital arguments over being alone, and 10. Empty and boring houses.  It appears infertile women experience adverse psychological situation. Conclusions: The findings of the research include 11 main categories and 1 core category named “birth (increase) of inability”, which refers to the concept of infertile women may, for acceptable reasons and over time, experience a sense of inability in other life domains. In general, the results show a growing existence of inability and meaninglessness in the target population, which eventually leads to psychological disorders, use of psychological medications, and boring homes.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2018/08/27 | Accepted: 2020/06/11 | Published: 2020/06/11

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28. حسن پور ازغدی، ب؛ سیمبر، م؛ ودادهیر، ا و حسین رشیدی؛ ب. (1392). تبیین اثرات روانی نازایی در زنان نابارور در جستجوی درمان: یک مطالعه کیفی. نشریه دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی. 23 (83)، 1-8.
29. کریمی، زا؛ تقی پور، ع؛ لطیف نژاد رودسری، ر؛ کیمیایی، ع؛ مظلوم، رو امیریان، م. (1395). آثار روانی _ اجتماعی ناباروری مردانه در زنان ایرانی: یک مطالعه کیفی. مجله زنان، مامایی و نازایی. 19 (10)، 20-32.
30. Alschuler, K. N. & Beier, M. L., (2015). Intolerance of uncertainty. International Journal of MS Care, 17 (4) , pp. 153–8.
31. Beck, A.T. (1970). Cognitive therapy: nature & relation to behavior therapy. Journal of behaviortherapy.1 (2) , 186-200.
32. Boivin, J, Griffiths, E, Venetis, C.A. (2011). Emotional distress in infertile women and failure of assisted reproductive technologies: meta-analysis of prospective psychosocial studies. British Medical Journal, (57): 25- 41.
33. Chochovski, J, Moss, S.A, Charman, D.P. (2013). Recovery after unsuccessful in vitro fertilization: the complex role of resilience and marital relationships. Journal Psychosomatic Obstetrics Gynecology, (3): 122-128.
34. Covington SN, Adamson GD. (2015).Collaborative reproductive healthcare model. In: Covington SN, editor. Fertility counseling: clinical guide and case studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 1–32.
35. Domar AD, Smith K, Conboy L, Iannone M, Alper M. A. (2010). Prospective investigation into the reasons why insured United States patients drop out of in vitro fertilization treatment. Fertility Sterility, (94) :1457–9.
36. Drosdzol, A. & Skrzypulec, V. (2009).Evaluation of marital and sexual interactions of Polish infertile couples. Journal of Sexual Medicine, (6): 3335- 3346.
37. Ellis, A. (1987). Rational emotive therapy. Alberta psychology, 1 (3): 17-23.
38. Freeston MH, Rhéaume J, Letarte H, Dugas MJ. (1994). Ladouceur R. Why do people worry? Personality and Individual Differences, (17) 791–802.
39. Gameiro S, Boivin J, Peronace L, Verhaak CM. (2012). Why do patients discontinue fertility treatment? A systematic review of reasons and predictors of discontinuation in fertility treatment. Human Reproductive Update, 18 (6): 652–669.
40. Greil, A.L, Slauson-Blevins, K, McQuillan, J. (2010). The experience of infertility: a review of recent literature Sociology, Health Illness, 32: 140-162.
41. Gross JJ, Barrett LF. (2011). Emotion generation and emotion regulation: one or two depends on your point of view. Emotional Review, (3): 8–16.
42. Gyurak A, Gross JJ, Etkin A. (2011). Explicit and implicit emotion regulation: a dual process framework. Cognitive Emotional, (25) :400–412
43. Hirsch, s. Hirsch, r.n. (1998). The Effect of Infertility on Marriage and Self‐concept. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 37 (2): 137-145.
44. Lazarus RS, Folkman S. (1984). Stress, appraisal and coping. New York: Springer.
45. Liminana, R.M. (2017). Reproductive psychology & infertility. Acta psychopathological. 3 (2): 1-4.
46. Martins, M. V., Costa, P., Peterson, B. D, Costa, M. E., & Schmidt, L. (2014). Marital stability and repartnering: Infertility-related stress trajectories of unsuccessful fertility treatment. Fertility and Sterility, 6, 1716-1722.
47. Nahrin, N. E., Ashraf, F., Nessa, K,. Alfazzaman, M., Anwary, S.A., abedin, S., Rahman, M. (2017). The emotional-psychological consequences of infertility & its treatment. Medicine today, 29 (1): 42-45.
48. Roger, D. Jarvis, G. Najarian, B. (1993). Detachment and coping: the construction and validation of a new scale for measuring coping strategies. Personality and Individual Difference, (15): 619–626.
49. Rouchou, B. (2013). Consequences of infertility in developing countries. Perspectives in Public Health, 133 (3) , 174–179.
50. Sadeghian, E. Heidarianpoor, A. Abed F. (2006). Comparison of psychiatric problems in infertile men and women referring to infertility clinic of Hamadan Fatemyeh Hospital. Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences, (9): 31-9.
51. Sejbaek CS, Hageman I, Pinborg A, Hougaard CO, Schmidt L. (2013).Incidence of depression and influence of depression on the number of treatment cycles and births in a national cohort of 42,880 women treated with ART. International journal of human reproduction, 28 (4): 1100-1109.
52. Silva, E, Simões, S, Espírito-Santo, M, Marques, L. (2016).Mindfulness, self-compassion and spiritual well-being in chronic depression. European Psychiatry, 33: 41- 45.
53. Simon's,J., Gaher, R. (2005). The distress tolerance Scale: Development and validation of self-report measure. Motivation and emotion, 29: 83-102.
54. Wiweko, B,. Anggraheni, U,. Elvira, S.D., Lubis, H.P. (2017). Distribution of stress level among infertility patients. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 22 (2): 145-148.

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