Jalili M, Eftekhar Saadi Z, Pasha R, Askary P, Hafezi F. Comparing the Effectiveness of Imago-Therapy and Transactional Analysis in Improving Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution and Rejection Sensitivity of Couples Referred to Masjed Soleiman Counseling Centers. QJCR 2022; 21 (81) : 4
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Abstract: (4874 Views)
Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Imago-Therapy and Transactional Analysis in improving communication skills, conflict resolution, and rejection sensitivity of couples referred to Masjed Soleiman counseling centers. Methods: The method of this experimental study was pre-test and post-test, with follow-up, on an experimental and control groups. The statistical population of this study included all couples who referred to Masjed Soleiman counseling centers in 2019. Four counseling centers were selected randomly from the statistical population, and then 20 couples (40 persons) were randomly assigned into two experimental groups (10 couples for each group). Experimental groups were trained for ten 1.5 hour sessions. To collect the data, Quinn Dam Communication Skills Questionnaire, Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (RSQ), and Marital Conflict Questionnaire (MCQ) were used. Multivariate repeated measures analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. Findings: The results of the analysis showed that Transactional Analysis was more effective on the variables of communication skills, conflict resolution and rejection sensitivity than imago-therapy (P<0.05). Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, it can be said that imago-therapy and transactional analysis effective on communication skills, conflict resolution, and rejection sensitivity of couples, but transactional analysis was more effective than imago-therapy.
Article number: 4
Type of Study:
Research |
Family Counseling Received: 2021/04/30 | Accepted: 2022/05/7 | Published: 2022/06/18