(Corresponding author) - Assistant professor in Psychology department, Azad Islamic University, Karaj, Iran. mbagheri.phd88@yahoo.com
Abstract: (1653 Views)
Aim: Paying attention to the level of health and psychological well-being of students as the most important future-makers of the country is of great importance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate and present a predictive model of their psychological well-being based on mindfulness mediated by coping styles. Methods: The method of this study was descriptive-correlational which was done by structural equation modeling method. The statistical population of the study included undergraduate students of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran (Iran), three hundred sixty five of whom participated in the study through cluster sampling. In order to collect data, mindfulness, coping styles and psychological well-being questionnaires were used. The reliability and validity of the instruments were confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis. To analyze the data, structural equation method was used with Amos software. Findings: The results of this study showed that the effect of mindfulness on problem-oriented style and psychological well-being is significantly positive, but its effect on emotion-oriented style and avoidance style is significantly negative. The effect of problem-oriented style on psychological well-being is positive and significant, but the effect of emotion-oriented style and avoidance style on psychological well-being is not significant. Also, the mediating role of problem-oriented coping style about the effect of mindfulness on psychological well-being is significant. Conclusion: The results showed that the predictive model presented has a good fit and the variables of mindfulness and problem-oriented coping style are effective in psychological well-being.
Article number: 6
Type of Study:
Applicable |
School counselor Received: 2021/12/28 | Accepted: 2023/04/28 | Published: 2024/06/2