(Corresponding Author), Assistant Professor. Faculty of Psychology & Education. University of Tehran. Iran.
Abstract: (5084 Views)
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the effect of applying the principles of Impact Therapy on problem-solving skills, hopefulness, and life satisfaction in teenage girls living in families with high tension. Methods: This research, in terms of purpose was an applied study using the pretest-posttest control group method. From the community of the 16 to 18-year-old girls from currently divorced parents who had referred to the court during the past 5 years. Individuals were selected through convenience sampling. The life satisfaction questionnaire by Diener, Basadur Creative Problem-Solving and Hopefulness questionnaires were used to collect data. Findings: Intergroup comparison showed that the difference between the mean scores of life satisfaction (p=0.042), problem-solving skills (p=0.049), and hope (p=0.012) between the experimental and control groups was significant. Therefore, administering group Impact Therapy was effective and increased life satisfaction, problem-solving skills and hope of adolescent girls in stressful families. Results: Impact Therapy helped participating teenagers cope with and overcome their stress by promoting resilience. Teenagers from tension-filled families became more determined individuals and gained more control over the events surrounding them. In other words, these interventions helped people to better deal with various issues in life and even consider unpleasant events as opportunities.
Article number: 6
Type of Study:
Applicable |
Family Counseling Received: 2022/03/8 | Accepted: 2022/06/18 | Published: 2022/09/2