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Showing 1 results for Gholamzadehjofreh

Maryam Hormozi, Kiumars Farahbakhsh, Maryam Gholamzadehjofreh,
Volume 23, Issue 89 (6-2024)

Aim: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the communication actions of successful marriages. Method: This study was conducted in a qualitative manner based on grounded theory.  Society: The research includes successful couples based on their own admission, examining the achievements of their joint lives and implementing the Enrich Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire (1993), the short form of which was validated by Alidousti et al  successful and satisfied were selected. In total, (10 couples) were studied in Ahvaz city in 1401 by purposeful sampling until the theoretical saturation of the data. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview using Strauss and Corbin's method of constant comparison analysis. Findings: The analysis of the findings showed that communication actions in successful marriages have four main components including, main family functions, suitable marriage formation factors; Effective communication skills and character formation in childhood. Conclusion: A successful marriage is related to the family structure of people. Therefore, experts can use the concepts extracted in this research to identify and examine the communication characteristics of successful families, which is a guide in couples therapy and pre-marital counseling.

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