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Showing 4 results for Heidari

Dr Fatemeh Samiee, Mr Hamid Heidari, Mr Mahmod Jalali, Mrs Arezo Gholami,
Volume 15, Issue 58 (7-2016)

Purpose: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of career training on the development of the career path of the mentally disabled students. Methods:This research was a semi-experimental using a control group and pretest-posttest method. The sample was a group of 72 students in the third, fourth, and fifth grades in primary school. The sample was selected randomly based on clustered sampling from two schools and students were put into the experimental and control groups. The data was gathered using a researcher-made questionnaire based on Gatfredson’s theory and was analyzed by one-way variance analysis and covariance analysis. Results: The data showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores in the experimental and control groups and a significant difference between the careers’ cognitive map of girls and boys (p<0.001). Conclusion: In general, the career training effects on development of career in  mentally disabled students.

Dr Mohammad Solgi, Mr Hossein Heidari, Dr Bahram Saleh Sadaghpour, Mr Ehsan Aghapour,
Volume 18, Issue 70 (7-2019)

Individual identity is self-explanatory by emphasizing its difference from others. In this study, we examine the impact of nationalism on the degree of individual differentiation by communicating comm::::union:::: and social identity. The research method of correlation method is structural equation modeling. The statistical population includes all citizens over 15 years of age in the provinces of the country on the census data of population and housing in 2011. The Cochran formula has been used to determine the sample population. The final sample size is 1300 samples and the researcher made questionnaire. To analyze the results, a path analysis model has been used.
According to the results of this study, there is a direct and positive relationship between the identity and individual identity of the whole of the model, which means that as the national identity dimension increases, the degree of individual differentiation increases, and vice versa. Also, the results of this research show that individual identity differentiation was directly and negatively from the aspect of identity traditionalism with standard coefficient (0.087), national dimension of identity, direct and negative with standard coefficient (-0.96) The indirect religious variable of identity is directly and positively influenced by the standard coefficient (0.166), the ethnic ethic variable is directly and positively correlated with the standard coefficient (0.776). Individual identity is also indirectly influenced by the variables of the national dimension of identity, the religious dimension of identity and communicative communication. The proposed model of the national identity dimension is sufficient, but it is possible to expand on the other variables, such as mass communication, traditionalism, ethnicity, identity and the religious dimension of the identity of the research model
Roya Heidari, Maryam Jalilian,
Volume 20, Issue 79 (10-2021)

Emotional regulation is one of the areas that has been considered in the epidemiology of depression in the last decade. The results of studies on the effect of emotional regulation training on reducing the symptoms of depression disorder vary and contradictory. Therefore, the aim of this meta-analysis was to determine the effectiveness of emotional regulation training on reducing the symptoms of depression disorder. Methods: For this research, meta-analysis technique were utilized, in which the results of various research studies were integrated in order to determine the size of the effect of parental education programs. To achieve this purpose, the related literature concerning the topic was investigated in dissertations and research articles published in scientific journals from 2006 to 2020 were reviewed. Based on the research inclusion criterion, 17 research studies, including 14 articles and 3 dissertations were considered for meta-analysis. Data analysis and calculation of effect size were performed using the CMA2 software and the Hedges g-index. Findings: The findings from this meta-analysis showed that the random effect of emotional regulation training on reducing the symptoms of depression disorder (1/39) (P< 0/001), which is evaluated in accordance with the Cohen table of the large effect size. Conclusion: It seems that emotional regulation training can be used as a suitable method for reducing depression in educational and therapeutic centers.
Mohammad Hassan Heidari, Doctor Parviz Azadfalah, Doctor Ahmad Alipour,
Volume 21, Issue 83 (10-2022)

Aim: This study aimed to explain the relationship between personality model and life satisfaction with the mediating role of coping styles and sources of control among Iranian and Armenian students. Methods: The present study population included all Iranian and Armenian students who were studying in Iranian and Armenian universities in the 2009-2010 academic years. For sampling, 768 Iranian and 768 foreign students were selected using a random sampling method. Data were obtained using the NEO (1985) five-factor personality questionnaire, Carver's stress coping (1989), Rutter's control source (1996), and the life satisfaction of Diner et al. (1985). Correlation and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data. Findings: The results showed that all direct paths in the model except the effect of the agreement on the source of control were significant. Also, all indirect paths except the path of the effect of the agreement on life satisfaction through the source of control and the path of the effect of conscientiousness on life satisfaction were significant with the mediating role of the negative emotion-oriented style. Finally, there was a significant relationship between personality traits and control source, coping styles, and satisfaction in Iranian and Armenian students (P <0.05) and the assumed model had a good fit.
Conclusion: As a result, people should use the source of internal control, conscientiousness, flexible personality, and problem-oriented coping style to increase life satisfaction.

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