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Showing 2 results for Nilfrooshan

Dr Mohammadreza Abedi, , Dr Parisa Nilfrooshan,
Volume 19, Issue 73 (6-2020)

Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between work meanings and subjective well-being through job satisfaction in Isfahan Oil Refining Company Staff. Methods: In this study, 280 stuff members at Esfahan Oil Refinery were selected through sampling of quotas. The participants took job satisfaction, subjective well-being, and work meaning questionnaires. For the data analysis, the descriptive statistics method and structural equation modeling were used.  The mediating role were tested via bootstrapping test. Findings: The results showed that job orientation and career orientation directly influence subjective well-being. Job orientation has significant negative effect on subjective well-being (p<0.05), and career orientation has significant positive effect on subjective well-being (p<0.001). Calling orientation has indirect effect on subjective well-being through job satisfaction (p<0.01). The mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between job and career orientation with subjective well-being was not significant. Conclusions: Overall, the findings showed that amongst different meanings of work, providing daily living expenses and to progress, has direct influence on subjective well-being, while career mission through work satisfaction has an indirect effect on subjective well-being.
Morteza Espanani, Proffesor Mohammadreza Abedi, Doctor Parisa Nilfrooshan,
Volume 21, Issue 84 (12-2022)

Aim: Aim the present stady was aimed at compareing the effects of career counseling methed based on Holland`s theory, social cognitive career theory, and solution-focused counseling on career well-being of high school students in Isfahan city.  Methods: The research methodology was, semi- experimental method with pre-test design post- test is and follow-up with the control group. The statistical population of all secondary school students in Isfahan was in the 98-97 academic year. The sampling was done in three steps. using simple random sampling, 10 subjects were selected for each group. Based on this, 3 experimental groups of boys with a control group and 3 experimental groups of girls with a control group were formed. Findings: The results indicated that, there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups regarding (p<0/001) the career well-being. The difference between the grades of the eight groups indicated that the interventions based on the career counseling based on Holland`s theory, social cognitive, and solution-focused on necessity objective square tests occupational autonomy professional growth positive organizational relationships. Conclusion: The counseling method of social cognitive career and circuit - oriented solution is more effective in counseling with students.

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