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Showing 4 results for esmaeily

, Dr Masoumeh Esmaeily, Dr Asghar Khandan, Dr Khodabakhsh Ahmadi,
Volume 15, Issue 60 (1-2017)

The relation of strength of stimulus to repidity of habit

Doctor Kowsar Dehdast, Doctor Masoomeh Esmaeily,
Volume 19, Issue 75 (12-2020)

Aim: Ethics, that is, a permanent endurance of good moral qualities in the form of "Manesh" in human beings, which can not be achieved through mere moral education. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to obtain an ethics-based approach to parenting. Methods: For this purpose, in the first part of the study, we examined and explained the definition and principles of ethics- based training from the perspective of Allameh Tabataba'i with hermeneutic research method and in the last part, practical paths for internalizing morality in children were presented. Results: The findings showed that principles of ethics-based training contains of 5  affirmative axis : “Moral stability”, “communicability of action”, “awareness”, “ being Practical Man” , “ motivation” and 2 underlie axis include of: “inheritance of ethics” , “ peripheral communicability “.Conclusion:  This principles can be applied for presenting the Parenting model with the centrality of Manesh Training.
Fatemeh Ghasemi Niaei, Masoumeh Esmaeily, Friborz Bagheri,
Volume 21, Issue 84 (12-2022)

 Aim: The development of an integrated model of counseling on growth with an emphasis on how to face the process of time and the responsibility of existence in accordance with the intellectual horizon of the referents in Islamic culture is the aim of this research, which is necessary based on the emphasis on cultural psychology. Methods:The method of this research is the use of Schleiermacher's classical hermeneutics, which has been integrated by examining the selected theories step by step, and has been put into a format suitable for Islamic thought. The method of interpretation in this method is done using the grammatical and technical features of the text and is classified in the form of partial and general interpretation. The integration model is obtained with the method of inductive and deductive logic, finally deals with the purpose, techniques and treatment process in a practical and practical attitude while having the basics and principles. Findings: The findings show that the foundations of the formed pattern include the basis of perfection with principles (contradiction, desire for perfection, agency, hierarchy of existence, service, regularity and continuous creation, orientation and purposefulness); The basis of unity with principles (completion, connection of parts, acceptance and integration, fixed truth, immutability of the rules and causality of existence, balance and compatibility), the basis of immortality with principles (the desire to return to the origin, spatiality, temporality of existence, temporal integration, death, existential rotation). It is based on purposefulness with principles (leadership, power of creation, administration and continuity of existence, comprehensiveness). which is in accordance with the principles and principles with the ultimate goal, techniques and treatment process.Conclusion: The integrated developmental model in combination with the Islamic horizon in the hermeneutic way is a new model that can be efficient in creating harmony with the intellectual foundations of the clientes and without creating conflicting discourses, it can expand the intellectual horizon of the reference and specify a path and meaning for him.
Masoumeh Esmaeily, Fahimeh Shadabmehr, Kowsar Dehdast,
Volume 22, Issue 86 (5-2023)

Aim: The present research was conducted with the purpose of designing and determining some psychometric characteristics of the Sahm-based lifestyle questionnaire, and this study was done with a practical goal. Methods: The statistical population of the research included all people aged 18 to 60 living in Tehran in 2023, of which 389 people were selected through available sampling and answered the questionnaire. In order to check the validity of the questionnaire, the method of exploratory factor analysis was used, and the content validity of the instrument was confirmed by consulting experts. In order to check the reliability of the tool, Cronbach's alpha method was used. All statistical analyzes were performed by SPSS-25 software. Findings: Based on the findings of the research, exploratory factor analysis with principal components showed that the Sahm-based lifestyle questionnaire is a 13-component tool that explains 57.24 percent of the “Sahmgozari” (partake or sharing) variance. Cronbach's alpha of the whole questionnaire is 0.93 and for components such as meaning-based (0.78), responsibility-based (0.74), agency (0.73), security-based (0.71), principle-based (0.73), respect-based (0.71), intention-based (0.73) , personal peace (0.80), the best role-playing (0.72), formative relationships (0.67), bond-making (0.63), harmonization with goals (0.63), and selectiveness (0.65) were reported. Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be concluded that the Sahm-based lifestyle questionnaire has appropriate and acceptable validity and reliability in the sample of participants in the research.

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