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Showing 3 results for Career Counseling

Mrs Neda Rashidi, Dr Mohamad Sajjad Seydi, Dr Alireza Rashidi,
Volume 20, Issue 80 (3-2022)

Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of strengths-based career counseling on career exploration, career self-efficacy and dysfunctional career thoughts regulation among unemployed graduates. Methods: study was a quasi-experimental research with a pre-post-follow up design and a control group. Research population consisted of all unemployed female graduates in city of Islamabad Gharb in 2018. Convenient sampling method was employed and through inclusion criteria, 28 individuals were selected and then randomly assigned to experimental and control groups (14 in each group). The intervention involved four 90-minute weekly sessions using strengths-based career counseling. The control group did not receive any intervention. Career exploration survey, career self-efficacy scale and dysfunctional career thoughts scale were used to collect data. Data was analyzed using ANCOVA statistical method. Findings: The results showed that there is a significant difference at the post-test stages between experimental and control group in career exploration (P <0.001; F = 68.66; P <0.001; F = 102.99), career self-efficacy (P <0.001; F = 34.31; P <0.001; F = 47.94) and dysfunctional career thoughts (P <0.001; F = 7.89; P <0.001; F = 88.22). Also this difference is stable over the time, at the follow up in three month. Conclusion: It is recommended that executive directors and education officials conduct strengths-based career counseling for students on a large scale.
Mrs Aram Khabazshirazi, Dr Mohsen Golparvar, Dr Zahra Yousefi,
Volume 21, Issue 82 (5-2022)

Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of three methods of career counseling (cognitive-social, cognitive information processing, constructivism) and acceptance and commitment counseling on students' affective capital on ninth grade students. Method: The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design for five groups. The study population was all ninth grade female students in one of the education districts of Isfahan in the 99-98 academic year. The sample consisted of 100 female students who were selected by available and multi-stage sampling based on entry and exit criterias. And were assigned to four experimental groups and one control group (20 people in each group). The research tool was the Emotional Capital Questionnaire (Golparvar, 2016). While the control group did not receive any training, none of the eight experimental groups received training related to each method. All groups were evaluated by research tools before and after the trainings. Results: The collected data were analyzed at two levels of descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multivariate analysis of covariance). The results showed that in comparison with control group there were no effects on feeling energy and positive affect by methods. Constructivism and acceptance and commitment had significant effects on happiness (P <0.01), but there was no significant difference between the two methods. Conclusion: According to the results, it can be said that the constructivism and acceptance and commitment are appropriate methods to increase the happiness of female students.
Morteza Espanani, Proffesor Mohammadreza Abedi, Doctor Parisa Nilfrooshan,
Volume 21, Issue 84 (12-2022)

Aim: Aim the present stady was aimed at compareing the effects of career counseling methed based on Holland`s theory, social cognitive career theory, and solution-focused counseling on career well-being of high school students in Isfahan city.  Methods: The research methodology was, semi- experimental method with pre-test design post- test is and follow-up with the control group. The statistical population of all secondary school students in Isfahan was in the 98-97 academic year. The sampling was done in three steps. using simple random sampling, 10 subjects were selected for each group. Based on this, 3 experimental groups of boys with a control group and 3 experimental groups of girls with a control group were formed. Findings: The results indicated that, there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups regarding (p<0/001) the career well-being. The difference between the grades of the eight groups indicated that the interventions based on the career counseling based on Holland`s theory, social cognitive, and solution-focused on necessity objective square tests occupational autonomy professional growth positive organizational relationships. Conclusion: The counseling method of social cognitive career and circuit - oriented solution is more effective in counseling with students.

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