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Showing 7 results for Counselor

Dr. Yaser Madani, Zahra Moradi,
Volume 17, Issue 66 (7-2018)

Purpose: The quality of sexual relationship and marital intimacy are important topics of post-marriage experience. Similarly, religiosity is commonly considered as an influential framework for life. Past research has not been able to accurately discover or illustrate the opinions of experts in the area of couples counseling about the relationship between these dimensions. Therefore, this research was conducted to examine the marriage and family experts’ points of view about the role of religiosity in sexual satisfaction and marital intimacy of couples. Methods: Qualitative approach of phenomenological type was used.  For this, ten individuals who were counselors or psychologist with active working experience with couples were interviewed according to qualitative protocols. Data collected from interviews were then analyzed using features available in Microsoft Word software. Results: In the open-coding, 147 initial codes were produced, while the axial-coding based on thematic similarities yielded 24 categorical codes. One of the main questions asked of the participants was “what role can religiosity play in the quality of couple’s relationship?” Overall, according to the analysis of the responses obtained, religiosity plays a positive role in sexual satisfaction and marital intimacy of couples. However, some of the participants mentioned a few points as reservations to be considered which are covered in the current article. Conclusion: Counselors’ and psychotherapists’ perceptions about role and relation between variables of religiosity, sexual satisfaction, and marital intimacy are important. Of the main findings of the present study was interviewees’ describing the prerequisite or complementary context for capitalizing on positive effects of religiosity in sexual satisfaction and marital intimacy. situation was that the interviewees as it is a prerequisite for receiving a positive impact or supplement and religiosity on the significant sex and marital intimacy.
Reza Reza Khakpour,
Volume 18, Issue 72 (3-2020)

Aim: To become a counselor is not possible without growth, self-awareness, perfection, and self-exploration through receiving counseling and psychotherapy, which provides a unique opportunity for the counselor. The purpose of this study was to investigate and determine the effect of group psychotherapy with didactic approach and sensitivity training approach on the extent of  therapeutic mistakes caused by the neurotic counter-transference by counselors and psychotherapists. Methods: For this study, 45 participants (28 females and 17 males) with graduate degrees working at the university counseling centers in Tehran were randomly selected from among the statistical population (N=135) and placed in equal groups in experimental and control groups. Results: Comparison of the results of group interventions (eight 90-120 minute long) on the counselors by the "inventory of common therapeutic mistakes of counselors" in the pre-test and post-test, showed that both didactic and sensitivity training groups, when compared with the control group, had a significant effect on reducing the number of mistakes caused by negative counter-transference on behalf of the counselors. Conclusion: Receiving counseling and psychotherapy, along withsupervision reduces the mistakes of counselors in the process of psychotherapeutic  working with clients.
Mr Yaser Madani, Ms Fahimeh Bahonar,
Volume 19, Issue 74 (7-2020)

Aim: Counseling is one of the most important issues in our religious culture that has been addressed since the beginning of Islam and is mentioned in the Holy Quran and the words of the infallible. The main purpose of this phenomenological study was to investigate counselors viewpoint towards Islamic counseling centers. Methods: In order to understand the life experiences of the clients, a qualitative research method was adopted with a phenomenological approach. The study population consisted of all counselors of Islamic counseling centers in city of Qom. For the purpose of sampling the counselors, several Islamic counseling centers were purposefully selected. Sampling continued until the theoretical saturation of the data was reached. Finally, 11 counselors were selected and semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data. Results: The data analysis was done through open coding and axial coding and resulted in 10 themes or categories from 89 open codings. The main themes included: 1) the sources of Islamic approach, 2) a different view of human foundations in Islamic psychology, 3) having a paradigm or worldview, 4) adapting the treatment approach to the client’s culture, 5) strategies to promote Islamic psychology, 6) the potential limitations of Islamic psychology approach, 7) main techniques in applying Islamic approach, 8) differences between the Islamic psychology and the Western approaches, 9) areas of effectiveness of Islamic psychology, and 10) today’s position of Islamic counseling centers. Results: Overall, based on the analysis of feedbacks, and despite different perspectives, it can be said that Islamic counseling approach has a positive and significant role in the process of counseling for clients.
Mr Seyyed Muhammad Mahdi Reiskarami, Mrs Shakiba Ahmadi, Dr. Hosein Keshavarz Afshar, Dr. Abbas Rahiminezhad,
Volume 22, Issue 85 (3-2023)

 Aim: This study was conducted to identify the factors affecting principals' and teachers' perceptions of the school counselor's role and explain its position and importance in the challenges of establishing the role of school counselors. Methods: The research method in this research is systematic and descriptive literature review. The statistical population of this study includes all valid scientific-research articles published in domestic and foreign journals in recent decades. The articles of this systematic review were found by searching the databases of Noormags, SID, Magiran, Elsevier, Sage, Taylor and France, Springer, Wiley and M.D.P.I. Finding: 25 articles were finalized based on the inclusion criteria of the study. These articles were conducted in the form of action research methods, field research, Q method, experimental, focus group, interview, phenomenology, correlation, and grounded theory. The analysis of these studies showed that three categories of factors, including factors related to school and community, factors related to teachers and principals, and factors related to counselors are effective in the perception of principals and teachers of the role of school counselor. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the lack of awareness by principals and teachers about the evolving role of school counselors is one of the most important factors related to the contradictory perceptions of teachers and principals and the best way to solve this problem is to have a counseling council in each school. By informing principals and teachers about the role of the counselor and following the goals and program of the school counselor, this council will stabilize the role of the school counselor and facilitate the process of achieving the goals of education.

Mr Dariush Azimi, Dr Hossein Ghamari Givi, Dr Ali Rezaeisharif, Dr Ali Sheykholeslami,
Volume 22, Issue 85 (3-2023)

Aim: The current research was conducted with the aim of developing a model for empowering school counselors based on grounded theory and using semi-structured interview method. Methods: For this purpose, the number of 12 teachers, 14 school counselors, 13 students (locally from Ardabil province) were selected through purposeful sampling and the number of 9 counseling experts and professors (nationally) were selected by snowball sampling and the data were collected until theoretical saturation was reached. After transcribing the text of the interviews and entering the information into the MAXQDA qualitative data analysis software, they were analyzed with open, central and selective coding. Findings: The results of open and axial coding led to the identification of 245 concepts and 17 core categories. Also, the results of selective coding showed that the core category of school counselors' ability is influenced by causal conditions (scientific, professional and moral competence), intervening conditions (emotional maturity, self-efficacy, professional skills and coordination) and background conditions (intellectual maturity, emotional intelligence, mental health, communication skills, psychological toughness and charismatic personality) in the form of organizational and individual development strategies, which result in improving the efficiency of school counselors directly and indirectly. Conclusions: According to the findings of the present research, it is recommended to use the present model in order to empower school counselors, as well as design and develop different programs to improve school guidance and counseling services.
Milad Saeidi, Hossein Keshavarz Afshar, Ebrahim Naeimi,
Volume 22, Issue 87 (10-2023)

Aim: The present study was conducted with the aim of qualitatively investigating the growth of career identity of novice family counselors in the context of social and interpersonal relationships. Methods: In terms of methodology, this research was carried out with a qualitative approach and grounded theory method (data base). The study population included 12 family counselors in Tehran with inclusion criteria in the first 6 months of 1401 (Persian calendar), who were selected and participated in the research using the purposeful sampling method. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using the method of constant comparative analysis of Strauss and Corbin (2014) in three stages of open, central and selective coding. Findings: The results showed that the career identity growth of new family counselors has the main themes of importance of job, commitment and job centrality, job attachment, pure and practical aspects of consulting identity, and professional orientation in the job. This course shows that for a family counselor at the beginning of his development, counseling becomes twice important and later becomes the central core of his identity. Finally, a consultant tries to advance to the stage of becoming a professional. Conclusion: The identity of counselors is mainly interpersonal in nature. Striving for social well-being and responsibility towards the community is the center of gravity of the occupational identity of family counselors
Rooholla Saadatzaade, Mansour Sodani, Hamidr Farhadirad,
Volume 23, Issue 90 (6-2024)

Aim: The purpose of this research is to provide a model of school counseling services based on the conditions and implications of the grounded theory to help school counselors use appropriate services for the integrated development of students. Methods: The research method was a qualitative research that was conducted using the grounded theory approach. Semi-structured interviews and the translation of authentic school counseling documents were used in this study to collect data. Eight professional school counselors with doctoral degrees in counseling, who worked in schools as a school counselor for more than 10 years, and many of whom teach at universities, participated in this study.Results: The findings of this research are based on the field of grounded theory, including concepts of the factors and consequences of school counseling services. These concepts include: developmental needs of students, professional competence of school counselors, necessity of family awareness, cultural context, family lifestyle, education policy, entrance exam phenomenon, psychiatrists and drug prescription, therapeutic attitude instead of preventive attitude, non-governmental institutions and schools, student standards, and counselor standards. Conclusions: The findings of the research showed that the provision of school counseling services should be based on the developmental needs of students, the cultural context and lifestyle of families should be considered, school counselors should have the necessary standards to provide services, and finally, direct and indirect counseling services. The school should be provided in a specialized manner and in a regular framework to facilitate the integrated growth of students.

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