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Showing 1 results for Counter-Transference

Reza Reza Khakpour,
Volume 18, Issue 72 (3-2020)

Aim: To become a counselor is not possible without growth, self-awareness, perfection, and self-exploration through receiving counseling and psychotherapy, which provides a unique opportunity for the counselor. The purpose of this study was to investigate and determine the effect of group psychotherapy with didactic approach and sensitivity training approach on the extent of  therapeutic mistakes caused by the neurotic counter-transference by counselors and psychotherapists. Methods: For this study, 45 participants (28 females and 17 males) with graduate degrees working at the university counseling centers in Tehran were randomly selected from among the statistical population (N=135) and placed in equal groups in experimental and control groups. Results: Comparison of the results of group interventions (eight 90-120 minute long) on the counselors by the "inventory of common therapeutic mistakes of counselors" in the pre-test and post-test, showed that both didactic and sensitivity training groups, when compared with the control group, had a significant effect on reducing the number of mistakes caused by negative counter-transference on behalf of the counselors. Conclusion: Receiving counseling and psychotherapy, along withsupervision reduces the mistakes of counselors in the process of psychotherapeutic  working with clients.

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