Showing 7 results for Mental Health
Doc Mehrnaz Azadyekta,
Volume 14, Issue 55 (10-2015)
The aim of this study was to examine the role of religious beliefs, religious orientation and hardiness with mental health among students. In order to evaluate the research hypotheses, 365 students of Islamic Azad University of Islamshahr Branch through the cluster random sampling were selected. Means of data collection were questionnaires of Hardiness, religious orientation , mental health and temple. For data analysis, methods of the pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple linear regression were used. The results showed there is a significant relation between internal religion orientation , hardiness with mental health of students,but no significant difference was observed between external religion orientation with mental health.
Conclusion: Internal religious orientation , religious beliefs , hardiness are considered as important factors in predicting students ,mental health
Dr Hossein Ebrahimi Moghaddam, Miss Ayyutte Mahmodi,
Volume 16, Issue 63 (10-2017)
Monitoring of mental health and its determinants among students is essential for development as well as prevention and health promotion programs. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between quality of life and self-efficacy with mental health components among students. This research is correlational. The statistical population is all students of the Islamic Azad University of Roudehen Branch. The sample consisted of 150 students selected by cluster sampling method. To collect data in this study, the scale World Health Organization Quality of Life Short Quality Score, Schwarz and Grosselm's General Self-efficacy Questionnaire and Goldberg's Mental Health Scale were used. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation test and SPSS 22 software. The results showed that Between quality of life and self-efficacy with student's mental health There is a significant relationship. (001/23 F = and 01 / 0p <). This finding suggests that by increasing the quality of life and self-efficacy in students, mental health components also increase.
Key words: quality of life, self-efficacy, mental health
efficacy and quality of life, public health can be predicted. To collect information from questionnaires demographic, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Quality of Life Questionnaire - abbreviated version of the World Health Organization, the General Health Questionnaire or GHQ form with 28 questions was used. Results showed that the 4 areas of physical, psychological, social relationships and environment and public health efficacy and four components of physical symptoms, anxiety, social dysfunction and depression are significantly correlated. So, based on quality of life and self-efficacy can be predicted public health
Miss Maryam Karimi, ,
Volume 17, Issue 68 (1-2019)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the quality of parent-child interaction and critical thinking disposition with mental health components among adolescent girls.For this purpose, 319 girls from second grade of high school students in Yazd city were selected randomly in a multi-stage cluster sampling method. The instruments used in the research included the Parent-Child Relationship Questionnaire (PCRS), the Ricketts Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CTDI) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28).For data analysis , Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used. The results of this study showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the quality of parent-child interaction with mental health and critical thinking patterns of adolescent girls. There is also a positive and significant relationship between the tendency to critical thinking and mental health. The results of regression analysis showed that quality of communication with father significantly predicted mental health and tendency to critical thinking in female adolescents.
, ,
Volume 18, Issue 70 (7-2019)
Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate The effectiveness of cognitive self-compassion on general health of woman headed households (somatization, anxiety, social dysfunction, depression) of Female Headed Households headed by Imam Khomeini Relief Committee. Method: The research method was semi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population of study included all the Female-headed households under coverage of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee was formed in Rasht city in the second half 2015 year, That among them by using available, 30 female were selected and randomly assigned to the experimental group (15 individuals) and control group (15 individuals). The experimental group had received 8 sessions of Cognitive Self-Compassion Program. General Health questionnaire used to data gathering. Data were analyzed by multivariable co-variance test. Finding: Findings indicated that the research hypothesis of effect of Cognitive Self-Compassion Program on Mental Health (somatization, anxiety, social dysfunction, depression) of Female-headed households had been proven and Female-headed households of experimental group in comparison with control group, in posttest had a significantly less somatization, anxiety, social dysfunction, depression. Conclusion: So, we can conclude that Cognitive Self-Compassion Program has a significant effect on Mental Health of Female-headed households.
Maedeh Hashemian, Koorosh Namdari, Ahmad Abedi,
Volume 19, Issue 73 (6-2020)
Aim: the aim of this research was to investigate the effect of Hope Therapy on mental health and meaning in life of depressed teenage girls. Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with pretest-posttest, and control group. The statistical population included all high school girls in Isfahan in 2016 and the statistical sample of the study included 24 girls who were selected by cluster sampling method and whose score on Beck-2 depression questionnaire was between 16 to 46, and who were diagnosed with depression through clinical interviews. These individuals were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. Afterwards, Hope Therapy was performed in a group format in 8 steps for the subjects in the experimental group, while the control group did not receive any interventions. General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ) were used in the pretest and posttest stages. Multivariate analysis of covariance was used to analyze the data. Findings: The findings showed that group hope-therapy had a significant effect on increasing mental health and meaning in life of depressed girls in the experimental group. Conclusion: It can be concluded that hope therapy base on group can be an effective intervention in promoting mental health and meaning of life of depressed adolescent girls.
Khadijeh Shiralinia, Shekoofeh Ramezani, Mansoor Sodani,
Volume 19, Issue 76 (2-2021)
Aim: This research investigates the effectiveness of mindful parenting training on mental health and parenting competence for mothers of children with special needs. Methods: This quasi-experimental research was performed using pretest/post-test and control group and statistical population included all of the mothers of children with special needs in Dezful who were studying at exceptional schools during the years 2016-2017. A total of 49 mothers were selected through convenience sampling method and put into two experimental (25) and control (24) groups. control group. The pretest was implemented for both groups. The experimental group had nine 90-minute educational classes about mindful parenting. Following the educational classes, the post-test was implemented. The surveys used in this research included Symptoms Checklist 90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and Parenting Sense of Competence (PSOC). Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance. Findings: The results indicated the effectiveness of mindful parenting training on mental health and parenting competence on mothers of children with special needs (p < 0.05). Conclusion: This method is effective and useful to improve the mental health of families with children with special needs.
Babak Eslamzadeh, Maesume Esmaieli, Qiumars Farahbakhsh, Mohammad Asgari,
Volume 20, Issue 79 (10-2021)
Aim: The aim of this study was to develop a strategic model in relation to the factors threatening the mental health and family structure of employees of the subsidiary staff of oil company, with emphasis on the focus of the third type of change. Methods: In this study, a qualitative approach and grounded theory methodology was used. The statistical population included all subsidiary personnel of South Zagros Oil Company and Falat Ghareh. Targeted sampling was started from those who had information about the subject. Then, considering the direction of information, the theoretical sampling continued until theoretical development and saturation was achieved. The sample size was closely related to the saturation level. Data were collected through in-depth, qualitative semi-structured interviews. In addition to the interview, the researchers also collected information by forming a focal group. In this study, analysis of three types of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding was used. Findings: After three-step coding, 74 initial codes, 21 axial codes and final 5 nuclear codes were obtained. The final codes of the research were: job and organizational strategies, family strategies, personal and family functionalism, individual strategies, and metaphysics; the last three codes were based on type-three changes. Conclusion: The model obtained from the results of this study included all three types of changes of type one, type two, and type three, which can eventually be used as a complete reference for developing strategies to deal with mental health threats as an individual dimension, and with family structure as an interpersonal dimention, for the oil company’s satellite personnel.