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Showing 1 results for Bereaved

Ali Taheri, Gholam Reza Manshaei, Ahmad Abedi,
Volume 19, Issue 75 (12-2020)

Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of adolescent-reasoned mindfulness (MBCT) and emotionally focused therapy (EFT) on self-esteem and sleep Disorder of bereaved adolescents. Methods: The study had a quasi-experimental design, with a post-test, pretest design, control group, and follow- up phase. The statistical population of bereaved adolescents referred to the counseling clinics department of education in city of Shiraz during the year 2017-2018. From among this population, 48 were selected through available sampling and were randomly divided into two experimental groups, adolescent-centered mindfulness and, emotionally focused therapy, in addition to a control group. One experimental group received adolescent-centered mindfulness for 10 one-hour long sessions, while the second experimental group received emotionally-focused therapy for 8 one-hour long sessions. The subjects were evaluated with Self-Esteem Questionnaire (SEI , 1989) and Sleep Disorder Questionnaire (PSQI, 1967) before the initiation of treatment. Fourty-five days following the conclusion of group training, a follow-up was performed. The control group had no group education. Data were analyzed using repeated measures. Results: Results showed that the use of adolescent-centered mindfulness and emotionally-focused therapy is effective on self-esteem and sleep disorder of bereaved adolescents (p<0/05). The effect of adolescent-centered mindfulness were greater than emotionally-focused therapy and the changes were stable through the time. Conclusions: According to this study, it can be concluded that both adolescent-centered mindfulness training and emotionally-focused interventios are effective for self-esteem and sleeping problems in adolescents, and that adolescent-centered mindfulness was more effective in increasing self-esteem and reducing sleeping proglems.

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