Showing 12 results for Coping
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Volume 17, Issue 65 (4-2018)
The purpose of this study was to test the model of women’s depression and marital satisfaction based on early maladaptive schemas and coping styles of opiate husbands. 199 (398 subject) couple referring of government and private drug rehabilitation centers Torbat Heydareie city were selected by purposive- voluntary sampling method, and completed Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ), Coping Styles (CISS), Marital Satisfaction, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-13) Questionnaires. The model evaluation was conducted by path analysis method, and AMOS/16 software. The final model showed that a good fit to the data has than the hypothesized model. The path coefficients between husbands' early maladaptive schemas with husbands' emotional-centered coping style, husbands' early maladaptive schemas with spouses' marital satisfaction, husbands' early maladaptive schemas with spouses' depression, husbands' avoidant-centered coping style with spouses' marital satisfaction, and husbands’ emotional-centered coping style with spouses' marital satisfaction were significant. On other hand, the path coefficients between husbands' early maladaptive schemas with their avoidant-centered coping style, husbands’ emotional-centered coping style with spouses' depression, and husbands' avoidant-centered coping style with spouses' depression were not significant. Also, indirect path coefficient husbands' early maladaptive schema to spouse marital satisfaction mediating emotional-centered coping style was significant. . So husbands’ dysfunctional cognitions and coping styles increase spouses' psychological problems and decrease their marital satisfaction.
Mr Mahdi Omidian, Dr Isaac Rahimian Boogar, Dr , Dr Mahmoud Najafi, Dr Manijeh Kaveh,
Volume 17, Issue 67 (10-2018)
Aim: This research was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of couples coping enhancement training on improving marital relations. Method: In this research with quasi-experimental design, a randomized controlled trial with baseline, post-treatment, and follow-up assessments along with placebo and control group was conducted. 36 couples by convenience sampling selected from couples referring to court of shahr e kord in the spring of 1396 due to marital problems and randomly assigned to either the experimental group (n = 12; under administration of couples coping enhancement training based on cultural tailoring in 9 group sessions once a week), placebo group (n = 12; under administration of mere meeting with therapist in 9 group sessions once a week) and control group (n = 12). All couples completed an ENRICH Couple Scales in three phases of baseline, post-treatment, and follow-up. Data were analyzed by SPSS and descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Results of analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated that the couples receiving the couples coping enhancement training based on cultural tailoring reported significant difference in the mean of marital relationship scores compared toplacebo and control group couples in post treatment (2 months after the baseline assessment) and follow-up (8 months after the baseline assessment) periods (F=8/105, P<0/001). Conclusion: According to the results, couples coping enhancement training is an effective method on improving marital relations.
Mis Kimia Vaezi,
Volume 17, Issue 68 (1-2019)
Purpose: In Iranian culture, divorce is considered to be an undesirable phenomenon that brings with it a lot of consequences and serious challenges and concerns for people, especially women. In order to deal with the phenomenon of divorce and the subsequent stigma, divorced women often have to consider coping strategies. The aim of the present study is to clarify the coping strategies of women after divorce. Methods: The present qualitative study was conducted using thematic analysis through semi-structured interviews, with 21 divorced women living in the city of Baneh, Iran. Purposive sampling was used and the data collection process continued until data saturation was achieved. Results: The analysis of qualitative data revealed two types of strategies which included adaptable and maladaptive strategies of coping with conditions after divorce. Discussion: The results of the present study revealed that the use of coping strategies among divorced women is different depending on the personal ability, family and social support, and social capital at their disposal. Identifying strategies used by women to deal with conditions of divorce would give a more comprehensive understanding of their needs. Accordingly, empowering divorced women, teaching them coping strategies, strengthening family support, and providing social opportunities are some measures that results in the enhancement of the coping strategies of divorced women in post-divorce situation.
Mis Zahra Rahimisadegh, Dr Faramarz Sohrabi, Dr Ahmad Borjali, Dr Mohamadreza Falsafinejad, Dr Abdollah Moatamedi,
Volume 18, Issue 71 (10-2019)
Aim: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a life skills training program (self-awareness skills, coping with stress and empathy) based on Islamic culture in divorced women. Method: The method of qualitative research is narrative type and use of semi-structured interview. The statistical population includes all divorced women referring to counseling and psychological services centers of Kerman city and paired therapists, which 15 clients and 10 specialists were selected by available sampling method. Data were gathered using interviews and expert panel and data were analyzed using Lincoln and Guba method. Results: The results showed that life skills training program was codified in 3 main axes of self-awareness, empathy and coping with stress, 11 axes and 32 subject areas, and also, the content validity of this program is based on the Lavasha method and based on expert opinion with a content validity ratio (CVR) of 80% which is higher than the minimum acceptable level of 0.62 for this number of specialists. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the research, it can be said that life skills training program based on Islamic culture is an appropriate and effective program for empowering divorced women in life.
Dr Asghar Jafari,
Volume 19, Issue 74 (7-2020)
Aim: The present study aimed to compare cognitive flexibility, psychological capital and coping strategies with pain between individuals with COVID-19 responding and non-responding to home treatment. Methods: Methodology for this study was ex-post facto. Population included individuals with COVID-19 who responded or did not respond to home treatment in city of Tehran. Using snowball sampling, 87 individuals responding to home treatment and 92 individuals who did not responde to home treatment were selected and completed the questionnaires of Dennis and VanderWal (2010), flexibility, Luthans et al’s cognitive psychological capital (2007), and Rosenstiel and Keefe’s coping strategies with pain (1985). Data were analyzed using MANOVA. Results: There was significant difference between cognitive flexibility, psychological capital, and coping strategies with pain between the groups of responding and non-responding to home treatment (P<0.01). Catastrophazing-type of coping strategy was less in group of responding to home treatment than group of non-responding to home treatment, but cognitive flexibility, self-efficacy, hopefulness, resiliency, optimistic, and coping strategies of diverting attention, reinterpretation of pain, ignoring pain, self-talk, pray-hopefulness, and increase of behavior in group of responding to home treatment were higher than the non-responding group. Conclusion: Cognitive flexibility, psychological capital, and coping strategies with pain effect responding to home treatment of COVID-19. The results provide evidence that applying the interventions of prevention and treatment based on positive psychology as improving cognitive flexibility, psychological capital and efficient coping strategies can effect the procedure of home treatment and increase responding to COVID-19 treatment.
Dr Salman Zarei, Mrs Niaz Yousefi,
Volume 19, Issue 75 (12-2020)
Aim: The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the coping strategies and levels of psychological adjustment in depressed and non-depressed women experiencing intrauterine fetal death (IUFD). Methods: This was a causal-comparative study. The research population includes all the depressed and non-depressed women experiencing intra-uterine fetal death who had active case file in specialized infertility clinics of district 5 of Tehran in 2017. Thirty depressed women experiencing intra-uterine fetal death and 30 non-depressed women experiencing intra-uterine fetal death (total 60 subjects) were selected through available sampling. For gathering the data, coping inventory for stressful situations (CISS), Veit and Ware’s mental health inventory, and Beck’s depression inventory were used. The data were analysed by statistical methods of multivariate analysis of variance. Findings: Results suggested that there is a significant difference in problem-focused coping strategies and emotionally-focused coping strategies in depressed and non-depressed women (P<0.01), but no significant difference was observed in avoidance coping strategies among depressed and non-depressed women (P=0.79). Also, results indicated that psychological helplessness is significantly lower in non-depressed women compared to depressed women and non-depressed women enjoy higher psychological well-being (P<0.001). Conclusion: The present study showed that coping strategies and psychological adjustment are variables that can affect the depression of women experiencing intrauterine fetal death. Therefore, these variables should be considered in order to treat the depression of these individuals.
Fatemeh Mahmoudi, Mohammad Reza Beliad, Masoumeh Jian Bagheri, Mehdi Shah Nazari, Kianoosh Zahrakar,
Volume 20, Issue 77 (5-2021)
Aim: Students are one of the most talented and promising segments of society and future builders of their country, and their level of health and psychological well-being will have a significant impact on learning and increasing their scientific awareness and academic success. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate a structural model of psychological well-being based on negative life events and mindfulness with emphasis on the mediating role of coping styles. Methods: The method of conducting the present study was descriptive correlational of structurequational type. The statistical population of the study were the undergraduate students of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, 365 of whom participated through cluster sampling. They responded to questionnaires on negative life events, mindfulness, coping styles, and psychological well-being. The reliability and validity of the instruments were confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis. To analyze the data, structural equation method was used with Amos software. Results: The results showed that the effect of negative life events on the problem-oriented style and psychological well-being is negative and significant. The effect of mindfulness on the problem-oriented style and psychological well-being is positive and significant. The effect of problem-oriented style on psychological well-being is positive and significant. The mediating role of problem-focused coping style in the relationship between negative life events and mindfulness with psychological well-being is meaningful Conclusion: The results showed that the model presented among the students of Shahid Beheshti University has a good fit and confirmed the role of the variables of negative life events, mindfulness and problem-oriented coping style in psychological well-being.
Mrs Zahra Farazi, Dr Ebrahim Namani, Dr Hamid Nejat, Dr Mohammadreza Safarian,
Volume 21, Issue 82 (5-2022)
Aim: The present study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of combining contextual and structural family therapies on cohesion and coping strategies of couples with marital dissatisfaction. Methods: This experimental research study utilized a pretest-posttest and two-month follow-up, with control group design. The research population consisted of all couples with marital dissatisfaction who referred to family counseling centers in city of Birjand during the first 6 months of 2019. Furthermore, 20 couples with marital dissatisfaction were selected as the participants of the study using convenience and purposive sampling and were randomly assigned to either the experimental or control groups (10 couples in each group). The experimental group received the treatment for ten 90-minute weekly sessions and the control group received no intervention during this time. The research instruments included the Lazarus and Folkman (1988) Coping Strategies Questionnaire and The Olson, Portner and Levy (1996) Cohesion Questionnaire, which were administered to the participants in the pretest, post-test and follow-up. To analyze the data, repeated-measures ANOVA was used. Results: The research findings demonstrated that the combination of contextual and structural family therapies was effective regarding cohesion and coping strategies of couples with marital unsatisfaction. It should be noted that the persistence of the treatment effect was maintained after two months (p<0.05). Conclusion: Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the combination of contextual and structural family therapies increased cohesion and problem-oriented coping strategies of maladjusted couples in the experimental group, compared to the control group.
Mohammad Hassan Heidari, Doctor Parviz Azadfalah, Doctor Ahmad Alipour,
Volume 21, Issue 83 (10-2022)
Aim: This study aimed to explain the relationship between personality model and life satisfaction with the mediating role of coping styles and sources of control among Iranian and Armenian students. Methods: The present study population included all Iranian and Armenian students who were studying in Iranian and Armenian universities in the 2009-2010 academic years. For sampling, 768 Iranian and 768 foreign students were selected using a random sampling method. Data were obtained using the NEO (1985) five-factor personality questionnaire, Carver's stress coping (1989), Rutter's control source (1996), and the life satisfaction of Diner et al. (1985). Correlation and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data. Findings: The results showed that all direct paths in the model except the effect of the agreement on the source of control were significant. Also, all indirect paths except the path of the effect of the agreement on life satisfaction through the source of control and the path of the effect of conscientiousness on life satisfaction were significant with the mediating role of the negative emotion-oriented style. Finally, there was a significant relationship between personality traits and control source, coping styles, and satisfaction in Iranian and Armenian students (P <0.05) and the assumed model had a good fit.
Conclusion: As a result, people should use the source of internal control, conscientiousness, flexible personality, and problem-oriented coping style to increase life satisfaction.
Dr Amir Qorbanpoor Lafmejani,
Volume 21, Issue 84 (12-2022)
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the lived experience of employees of services division from their job and employment status. Methods: The research method utilized was qualitative and descriptive phenomenology. The study population was all employees of Services Division working at the University of Guilan. Participants in the study were also selected in a purposeful and criterion-focused manner. Their number was also selected according to the theoretical saturation of 9 people. The data collection tool was also a semi-structured interview. Results: Findings were analyzed using the Colaizzi method. As a result of the analysis, 5 main themes and 21 subcategories were obtained. The first main theme was injustice, which included the sub-categories of unfair judgment, feeling of discrimination, feeling of injustice, high work pressure, high work expectations, and lack of support. The second main theme of low self-esteem with sub-categories was lack of credibility, not being seen, being humiliated, not being valued, not being respected and not being understood. The third main theme was the lack of motivation for progress, which includes the categories of helplessness and despair from changing the existing situation, lack of promotion and job promotion. The fourth main theme was not benefiting from job privileges, which included the subcategories of insufficient salary, delay in receiving salary, lack of loans, lack of supplementary insurance, lack of leave, and the fifth main theme was lack of job satisfaction, which included the subcategories of lack of motivation, Job insecurity and instability. Conclusion: The findings of the present research showed that service sector employees do not have a positive psychological experience of their job situation. These findings can be used for managers of recruitment companies and employers.
Fatemeh Mahmoudi, Mohammadreza Beliad, Masoumeh Jian Bagheri, Mehdi Shah Nazari, Kianoosh Zahrakar,
Volume 22, Issue 88 (12-2023)
Aim: Paying attention to the level of health and psychological well-being of students as the most important future-makers of the country is of great importance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate and present a predictive model of their psychological well-being based on mindfulness mediated by coping styles. Methods: The method of this study was descriptive-correlational which was done by structural equation modeling method. The statistical population of the study included undergraduate students of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran (Iran), three hundred sixty five of whom participated in the study through cluster sampling. In order to collect data, mindfulness, coping styles and psychological well-being questionnaires were used. The reliability and validity of the instruments were confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis. To analyze the data, structural equation method was used with Amos software. Findings: The results of this study showed that the effect of mindfulness on problem-oriented style and psychological well-being is significantly positive, but its effect on emotion-oriented style and avoidance style is significantly negative. The effect of problem-oriented style on psychological well-being is positive and significant, but the effect of emotion-oriented style and avoidance style on psychological well-being is not significant. Also, the mediating role of problem-oriented coping style about the effect of mindfulness on psychological well-being is significant. Conclusion: The results showed that the predictive model presented has a good fit and the variables of mindfulness and problem-oriented coping style are effective in psychological well-being.
Omid Isanejad, Shirin Naghibalsadat,
Volume 23, Issue 89 (6-2024)
Aim: Many studies have been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of couple coping skills training. Many of these studies found substantial differences when compared to the control group, however, the exact effect is unclear, and more research is needed to integrate these findings. The goal of this meta-analysis was to assess the efficacy of Couples Coping Enhancement Training (CCET). Methods: Twenty studies that can be investigated in terms of technique were chosen and analyzed. SID.IR,,,,,,,, APA and Google Scholar databases are among the information search resources. Couples coping enhancement training (CCET) was the search term. CMA2 software and Hedges' g index were used for data analysis and effect size calculation. Results: The findings of this meta-analysis showed that the fixed effect size of CCET is 0.27 and the random effect size is 0.13. When the heterogeneity of results was examined using Cochran's Q test, the Q value was 2488.87 and the I-squared value was 92.16, both of which were significant (p > 0.001). As a result, the effect sizes vary, and the random effect model should be used to examine the effects. The g value of the random Hedges was 0.27 (p < 0.001). Clinically, this value is regarded as less than usual. As a result, it was decided that CCET was ineffective. Furthermore, a comparison of effects in studies conducted in Iran (64 studies) and Switzerland (132 studies) reveals that the fixed and random Hedges' g in Iran are 0.62 and 0.73, respectively, and 0.06 and 0.09 in Switzerland. The value of I square in both societies is higher than 0.90. Hedges' g has a minor effect on Swiss society and a moderate effect on Iranian society. Conclusions: Therapists should pay attention to the ignored elements discussed in this article in addition to treatment.