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Showing 3 results for Couples Therapy

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Volume 14, Issue 54 (7-2015)

Aminnasab, z - Farahbakhsh,k Developing a stable professional identity, especially in counseling is a time-taking process. The goal of this study was to analyze the experiences of graduates in helping professions on the way of becoming professionals, so that the obtained data be used to clarify, in teaching, and for career supervision. The research method was qualitative in nature (phenomenological) with purposeful sampling. The sample population consisted of 23 counseling graduates with average of 4 years of working experience. The interviews were semi-structured in which the participants shared their experience of becoming professionals. Following data collection, coding and sentences related to their most important experiences (feelings of professional identity, expectations involved, counseling metaphors, and perspectives about rewards in counseling jobs) were drawn and analyzed. Responses showed indicated that participants seemed to be aware of profession's requirements and posses a sense of worth and effectiveness in the profession. Results of this study show the strengths, risks, and areas in need of growth in process of training counselors, which can be useful for academic programs in counseling.

Miss Nadia Gharagozloo, Miss Mastane Moradhaseli, Akbar Atadokht,
Volume 17, Issue 65 (4-2018)

Goal: this research has carried out with the aim of compering the effectiveness of face to face and virtual Cognitive-behavioral Couples Therapy on the Post-traumatic stress disorderin Extra-Marital Relations .

Methods: the method was a semi-experimental plan with Pretest and post test Implementation, among all the couples who were coping with Marital infidelity (Women betrayed) and visited counseling  and Psychological clinic in Qazvin,36 couples who have the qualifications to participate in the curing sessions has been selected Accessibly and they divided into 3 groups with 12 members with the methods of  random alternative (tow experimental group and one The control group). Subjects of the face to face and virtual Cognitive-behavioral Couples Therapy, each one have 12/1:30 hours sessions and The control group received no interruptions. Data collection tools, including post-traumatic stress disorder scale Mississippi. datas has been analyzed with the method of Multivariate analysis of variance.

Datas: the results indicates that among the couples in experimental and control groups in The dependent variable (clues of Post-traumatic stress) there is a meaningful difference. also results claim that, although both methods have their meaningful effect, the face to face method is much more successful.

Conclusion: the results can be used in Cognitive-behavioral intervention, in both face to face and virtual methods for couples who are coping with post-traumatic stress disorder caused by extramarital relationships

Mahvash Moazi Nezhad, Mokhtar Arefi, Hasan Amiri,
Volume 19, Issue 76 (2-2021)

Aim: The goal for this research was to assess the effectiveness of the two approaches in couples therapy, one being based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and the other being Imago therapy (IRT), on couple’s sexual intimacy. Methods: Quasi-experimental method with pre and post-test and control group were used. Total of 45 couples from among those who used counseling centers in city of Kermanshah during the year 2019 participated voluntarily in this research. They were randomly assigned to three 15-couple groups of ACT, Imago Therapy, and control. Eight 90-minute sessions were conducted using ACT with one group and Imago Therapy with another group. Data was collected using sexual intimacy questionnaire that was adapted from Enrich scale. Findings: Covariance analysis showed (p>0.05) couples therapy based on ACT and Imago Therapy techniques were effective in improving sexual intimacy in couples. These findings showed utilizing techniques in ACT-based couples therapy, cause psychological acceptance about mental experiences and decrease ineffective controlling behaviors.

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