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Showing 4 results for Couples.

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Volume 12, Issue 48 (10-2013)

The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of Collaborative Language Systems Therapy on Self- efficacy in Students .Method of research was quasi-experimental with pretest - posttest and control group design. The statistical population involved all referred couples to university counseling centers in Tehran. The sample of study consisted of 28 subjects(14 couples)that were randomly selected and allocated into experimental and control groupe.The experimental group participated in 8 sessions of collaborative Language Therapy. The measurement instrument was Coping self–Efficacy Scale (CSE) and Demographic Data Questionnaire. The results were analyzed with covariate using SPSS software. The result indicated that Collaborative Language Systems (CLST) Therapy, increased self-efficacy and enhanced subscales of Self-efficacy.

Dr Hosein Sahebdel, Dr Kianoosh Zahrakar, Dr Ali Delavar,
Volume 15, Issue 57 (10-2016)

Aim: This research has been made in order to study the ways of effects of personality traits, communicative features and cultural contexts on emotional belonging in couples.  

Method: The research methodology was correlational and the statistical population included all couples living in Tehran, Iran, in 2015. From this population, 954 persons (451females and 503 males) were randomly selected via multi-stage cluster sampling from 5 areas of Tehran municipality. Measurement material included the successful marriage inventory. Data analysis was done using AMOS software and path analysis was employed.

Result: Analyzing data indicated that personality traits and the cultural contexts have both direct and indirect (by effect on communicative features) significant effect (p<0/05) on emotional belonging. Also communicative features have significant (p<0/01) direct effect on emotional belonging. 

Conclusion: Findings of this research indicated that emotional belonging in couples has been affected by various factors. These results may be useful for marriage counseling and opening new ways in solving marital problems.

Mr Mahdi Omidian, Dr Isaac Rahimian Boogar, Dr , Dr Mahmoud Najafi, Dr Manijeh Kaveh,
Volume 17, Issue 67 (10-2018)

Aim: This research was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of couples coping enhancement training on improving marital relations. Method: In this research with quasi-experimental design, a randomized controlled trial with baseline, post-treatment, and follow-up assessments along with placebo and control group was conducted. 36 couples by convenience sampling selected from couples referring to court of shahr e kord in the spring of 1396 due to marital problems and randomly assigned to either the experimental group (n = 12; under administration of couples coping enhancement training based on cultural tailoring in 9 group sessions once a week), placebo group (n = 12; under administration of mere meeting with therapist in 9 group sessions once a week) and control group (n = 12). All couples completed an ENRICH Couple Scales in three phases of baseline, post-treatment, and follow-up. Data were analyzed by SPSS and descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Results of analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated that the couples receiving the couples coping enhancement training based on cultural tailoring reported significant difference in the mean of marital relationship scores compared toplacebo and control group couples in post treatment (2 months after the baseline assessment) and follow-up (8 months after the baseline assessment) periods (F=8/105, P<0/001). Conclusion: According to the results, couples coping enhancement training is an effective method on improving marital relations.
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Volume 18, Issue 69 (3-2019)

Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of educational package for enrichment of marital life based on emotional focused therapy (EFT) on the improvement of couples’ communicational patterns. Methods: The research method of the study was pseudo-experimental in which pre-test and post-test for the two control and experimental groups were used. To do so, 30 couples were selected purposefully from the population of couples who referred to the counseling centers in the city of Gorgan, Iran for improving their relationship. They were then randomly assigned to control and experimental goups. The experimental group participated in 8 three-hour sessions of group education, while the control group on the waiting list did not receive any particular intervention. In order to assess the dependent variable, Communication Patterns Questionnaire (Christensen & Sullaway, 1984) was used. The data were analyzed using covariation analysis. Findings: The results of the data analysis indicate that education based on EFT was more effective in improvement couples’ communicational patterns for participants in the experimental group, than those with no such intervention in the control group (p<0/01). Furthermore, post-hoc test shows that the effect of education in enrichment of marital life based on EFT was stable and no significant difference was identified between the averages of pre-test and post-hoc test stages (p<0/01). Conclusions: The results approve influence of education about enrichment of marital life based on EFT on improvement of newly married couples’ communicational patterns

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