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Showing 2 results for Maladaptive Schemas

Volume 13, Issue 51 (10-2014)

Every couple has a unique pattern of personality needs that enter the mutual relationship. The level of the mutual needs satisfaction should be relatively high in an intimate relationship. The Violence emerges from the anger caused by dispairment to satisfy mutual needs. The purpose of this study was a qualitative research of marriage Pathology based on deprivation of basic needs satisfaction (young etal, 2003) and how to meet the needs in interpersonal relationships. Subjects were 25 students of Master of Counseling of Allameh tabataba,I University & family Psychology of Science and Culture University in 91-92 and 92-93 which were chosen by available sampling. For data collection, projective question was used. By coding and classification of subject responses, schemes and the concepts were identified. Results showed that participants in projecting their thoughts on marriage have many maladaptive schemas. Marriage is damaged by the inability to establish a safe and satisfying attachment with others mainly caused by emotional deprivation(ED), focus on inflexible rules, the inability to form an independent identity, failure to comply the rights of others & suppressing basic demands for love and approval.

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Volume 17, Issue 65 (4-2018)

     The purpose of this study was to test the model of women’s depression and marital satisfaction based on early maladaptive schemas and coping styles of opiate husbands. 199 (398 subject) couple referring of government and private drug rehabilitation centers Torbat Heydareie city were selected by purposive- voluntary sampling method, and completed Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ), Coping Styles (CISS), Marital Satisfaction, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-13) Questionnaires. The model evaluation was conducted by path analysis method, and AMOS/16 software. The final model showed that a good fit to the data has than the hypothesized model. The path coefficients between husbands' early maladaptive schemas with husbands' emotional-centered coping style, husbands' early maladaptive schemas with spouses' marital satisfaction, husbands' early maladaptive schemas with spouses' depression, husbands' avoidant-centered coping style with spouses' marital satisfaction, and husbands’ emotional-centered coping style with spouses' marital satisfaction were significant. On other hand, the path coefficients between husbands' early maladaptive schemas with their avoidant-centered coping style, husbands’ emotional-centered coping style with spouses' depression, and husbands' avoidant-centered coping style with spouses' depression were not significant. Also, indirect path coefficient husbands' early maladaptive schema to spouse marital satisfaction mediating emotional-centered coping style was significant. . So husbands’ dysfunctional cognitions and coping styles increase spouses' psychological problems and decrease their marital satisfaction.

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