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Showing 1 results for Organizational Justice

Manizheh Qanaian, Maryam Tehranizadeh, Roghieh Haji Rostamloo,
Volume 17, Issue 68 (1-2019)

Purpose: This study aimed to determine the relationship between job security and organizational justice with job burnout in Emdad committee staff. Method: This study was  of descriptive-correlational type, with research population including  all of the staff at Emdad committee in Tehran in the year 2015-2016, that corresponded to  14,000 people. Random cluster  sampling was used, and the 220 participating sample filled the job security questionnaire (Nisi, 1381), job burnout questionnaire (Meslash & Jackson ,1981), and organizational justice questionnaire (Niehoff, B.R., Moorman, 1993). The statistical analysis used in this study included  regression analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient, and SPSS-18 software was also utilized for data analysis. Findings: The results showed that there was a  positive significant relationship between levels of job security and job burnout (p<0.05). However, some of the dimension of the organizational justice can predict some of the dimension of job burnout (p<0.05). Conclusions: With job security, job burnout can be reduced in Emdad committee staff, and thorough increasing organizational justice, the rate of progress and success among employees also increased.

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