shahryaripour R, najafi S, aminbeidokhti A, raoofi M, moradi F. The Role of Religiousness and Responsibility in Predicting the Marital Commitment of Graduate Students Semnan University. QJCR 2017; 16 (63) :126-145
semnan univesity
Abstract: (10495 Views)
Aim: Marital commitment is the strongest and the most stable predictors of marital relationship quality and stability. Several factors are involved in marital commitment that the important role of religiosity and responsibility can be noted. In this study the relationship between religiousness and accountability with the marital commitment is examined. Method: This study is descriptive correlation. The study population was consisted of all married students of Semnan University graduate level in the academic year 1394. And sample of 299 individuals (159 males and 140 females) were selected using stratified random samplings. To collect data, the questionnaires of marital commitment of Adams and Jones (1997), religiousness of Glock and Stark (1965), responsibility of Harrison Gough (1987), were used. Results: In addition, positive and significant relationship of all aspects of religiosity and marital commitment; The results of stepwise regression analysis showed that two variables of Responsibility and religiosity together predict 50 percent of marital commitment changes Also, among dimensions of research, emotional and ritual dimension along with accountability together predicts for 23% of changes in marital commitment. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that promotion and dissemination of religious beliefs as well as increased sense of responsibility could increase adherence and marital commitment among couples.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2016/02/3 | Accepted: 2018/01/24 | Published: 2018/01/24