Volume 18, Issue 69 (3-2019)                   QJCR 2019, 18(69): 31-58 | Back to browse issues page

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Asayesh M H, Farahbakhsh K, Salimi Bajestani H, Delavar A. Studying the Communication Reactions of Female Victims of Infidelity: A Phenomenological Study. QJCR 2019; 18 (69) :31-58
URL: http://irancounseling.ir/journal/article-1-629-en.html
Allame Tabataba'i University
Abstract:   (9560 Views)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify and explain the communication reactions of female victims of infidelity. Methods: The present study employed a phenomenoogical qualitative methodology. The study population consisted of female victims of infidelity in Shemiranat in the year 2016. Data collection continued through interviews until theoretical saturation was obtained. For this 18 women who were victims of infidelity were selected through purposive sampling and were investigated using semi-structured interviews, and the elicited data was analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings: The data analysis in regards to the communication reactions of women victimized by infidelity resulted in two main themes, 10 subthemes, and 29 initial concepts. The main theme and associated sub-themes were: A). ‘The dissociation of communications’ consisting of the following subthemes: 1. the dissociation of mother-child relationship, 2. the dissociation of father-child relationship, 3. the dissociation of marital relationship, 4. The dissociation of family relationships, 5. the dissociation of interpersonal relationships, 6. the dissociation of relationship with God; and B). "Communications continuity", consisting of the following sub-themes: 1. the continuity of spousal relationship, 2. improving the mother-child relationship, 3. getting social support, 4. improving the relationship with God. Conclusions: This study showed that infidelity has similar and sometimes different communicational effects that are experienced by female victims of infidelity. the effects of infidelity can be either maladaptive or adaptive. The results were interpreted based on the social construction and attachment theories.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2017/06/24 | Accepted: 2019/03/7 | Published: 2019/08/6

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